a journey of a girl

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my farewell

heyyy..oh my, i have been quite busy lately that i didn't have time to write on my blog
but here we go.

Today i gotta stay at home,beacuse i'm extremely tired.
I slept at 4 am yesterday.hahahaha.
But i'm having dinner with my family tonite coz mom and dad are goin to israel tom.

last saturday was awesome i guess.
I had a lot of fun
Well,aside from the two zits on my cheek.
It just wasn't the right time.I freaked out,but at least it's gone now.=)

A few days before the dinner, 6 of my friends who are still studyin at BBS told me that they could not make it since it was the same day with their school camp.
Some could not make it for some other reasons.but turns out 40 outta 50 did make it=)

It's only 16 days to go.
wew.time does fly.

You know,actually I'm not 100% looking forward movin to oz.
I mean,i gotta start everythin over.
It might not be a smooth path.It might be rough.
I'm excited,but scared at the same time.

I can't imagine i'll have to take the bus to school.
I'll have to do all my laundry by myself.
I'll have to cook and wash the dishes.
I'll have to make new friends.
I'll have to stay in an apartment instead of a house.
wew.that's a big change for me.

Well,at least i have my sis with me.=)
If she can make it trough those stuff,so can I.

well..2 weeks to go.
better spend my last days here with all my friends and family.
gonna miss them like hell



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