a journey of a girl

Friday, November 14, 2008

one month later...

it has been more than a month since the last time i posted a blog.
now i'm in sydney and a month already.

alot of things happen lately
now i'm no longer a bbs student.i'm a taylors student
i made new friends,at first i thought it wld be hard to adapt.but the friends here are fun=)

okayy.so,today was different from other boring fridays.seriously
i mean,i woke up this morning and i know i was late for school.
i know mona wld scold me so i decided to skip maths,but since in english class people are still havin their presentation,i decided to skip it as well.
I always wanted to be more spontaneous,so i decided to just take a few hours walking around the busy city.lol
so i reahed school at 10.30 and well i waited till 11 and went for maths class.foretunately, mona my maths teacher was really late for the 3rd period.i only study for 3o mins.lol
.econ was boring,vince,the teacher is like this huge guy who talks softly and he has no expression-i think.hahahaha

after school some of my friends and i went to norita,it's like a cafe with borad games n stuff,we sure did have a hell lot of fun.lol
i laughed really hard when a friend of mine called ben was dared to jump around like a fool for ten times trying to touch the ceiling.lol.he is a really POLOS(how do you say polos in english?lol)
so it's really funny watching him doin sth so silly.

hmmm.here,i do have fun sometime,but most of the time,schools like hell.i mean,i gotta go to school at 9 and finishes at 5.how crazy is that?and everyday the same subject.maths english and econs.englsih and econs are still okay.but i really hate maths.i'm totally blank when it comes to maths.lol

okayy so enough post for today.i'll write more tomorrow,if i finish studyin.lol


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

last day at jakarta.

it has been quite long since the last time i write..

wew.time does fly.

When i woke up this morning, the first time that came into my mind wasn't what i'm goin to do today, but it was "wow,i'm leaving tomorrow"

seems like yesterday i just moved to this house.
I can still remember the smell of paint all around the house.
The first time I saw my room.it was on 9th june 2006.

You know,life isn't always that bad.but it's not always that good either.
most of the time,in situations you'll find the pros and cons.
But most people always look at the bad side.and so do i.
but we really need to see the bright side of things.

imagine waking up in another city,another country another house and knowing that you'll stay there for a long time..
You only know a few people, and you're not really familiar with the streets and stuff,it's quite an adventure!
imagine bringing all those big luggages to the airport,looking at the half empty room you are about to leave.
Imagine saying goodbye to your perfect little family.saying goodbye to the people who you call your friends..

what will you feel?
I'm sure you're gonna feel these 2 things together.
to discover new stuff
to meet new people
to know how to live life independently 

leaving all those people you love behind
changing your day to day routine

i can recall all the memories i had in this lovely busy polluted(haha) town called jakarta.
i've been living almost my whole life here.
sure, i go abroad for holidays and stuff,but this is my first time moving just with my sis.
(i moved once to sg for a year,but it was the whole family)

i just heard my grandma shouting in a high pitch calling my sister to eat.
Where in the world am i goin to get that in aussie?

I'm gonna miss everyone so bad..

Well.life goes on,
and there's always the pros and cons

I just hope for the best in sydney,and i'll be able to make it through all the things i'm gonna face.

Thx to everyone for helpin me out in these past 15 years.

Good luck to all my friends who's gonna study abroad,
dnt worry,i feel the same way.

best wishes

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my farewell

heyyy..oh my, i have been quite busy lately that i didn't have time to write on my blog
but here we go.

Today i gotta stay at home,beacuse i'm extremely tired.
I slept at 4 am yesterday.hahahaha.
But i'm having dinner with my family tonite coz mom and dad are goin to israel tom.

last saturday was awesome i guess.
I had a lot of fun
Well,aside from the two zits on my cheek.
It just wasn't the right time.I freaked out,but at least it's gone now.=)

A few days before the dinner, 6 of my friends who are still studyin at BBS told me that they could not make it since it was the same day with their school camp.
Some could not make it for some other reasons.but turns out 40 outta 50 did make it=)

It's only 16 days to go.
wew.time does fly.

You know,actually I'm not 100% looking forward movin to oz.
I mean,i gotta start everythin over.
It might not be a smooth path.It might be rough.
I'm excited,but scared at the same time.

I can't imagine i'll have to take the bus to school.
I'll have to do all my laundry by myself.
I'll have to cook and wash the dishes.
I'll have to make new friends.
I'll have to stay in an apartment instead of a house.
wew.that's a big change for me.

Well,at least i have my sis with me.=)
If she can make it trough those stuff,so can I.

well..2 weeks to go.
better spend my last days here with all my friends and family.
gonna miss them like hell


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

can't sleep

okayy..it's like 1 am.
and i'm still awake.i'm not even sleepy
It's not only today.it has been weeks.

My mum always says that sleeping affects growth..
well maybe it does,but i just can't stand sleeping early,but i wanna grow taller..ahahahaha..
this is dumb.why can't my eyes just get tired.
they are still widely awake,till now.=.=''

There is nothing good on tv,and almost evry1 is asleep.ahahaha
So,the only thing i can do is to write this blog,but still there's nth to talk abt=,="..hha


fatherly love

i just got back from GI with ella,alvin,charles,gilbert n elbert.

Today wasn't a bad day.
it was quite fun.
I arrived in Gi at abt 2,with ella,we did some shopping.=)
Then,we ate lunch with alvin and elbert at excelso.
Then came charles and gilbert.
We went to blitz and bought ourselves tickets to see TAKEN.i know that movie is old,but seriously,i just watched it today..ahahaha.

TAKEN is a really touching movie.
It shows how big a father's love is..

It's a story abt a 17 yr old girl named Kim who had holiday in paris with her friend,and they were kidnapped.the reason they were kidnapped was to be sold as prostitutes.
Fortunately,Kim's father knew they were kidnapped,and fly all the way from california to rescue his beloved daughter.
awhh...How sweet is that?

It reminds me of my own dad,
i know sometimes daddy can be overprotective, but he loves me,and i know he just doesn't want me to get hurt.
All daddy does that...

HAHA.i love my daddy=)

anyway,i was so embarrassed just now.
i was waiting for my car with my friends,
then came a black apv which i thgt was an alphard.i smiled and said goodbye to everyone,but then when i wanted to get in the car,a lady with her daughter got out of the car.OBVIOUSLY,it wasn't my car.
EVERYONE laughed.oh my!!!

yes,i do stupid things sometimes,
come on,everyone does..hahahaha.

okay..i have nothing else to write for now.
i have to shower anyway..

Just a reminder to everyone,
love your dad...and mom too, of course


Monday, September 8, 2008

signs when you're in love

i just got back from plaza indo with my mum.

This morning i had to wake up at 9,because i had an appointment with a doctor at 11.
the hospital was in menteng,and it was my first time goin there.No,i'm not sick,i was there to do my medical check up.

The result was good..i'm a healthy girl.:p

From the doctor,me n my mum went to plaza indo and ate lunch at sushi tei.
as usual,i ordered my favorite negitoro maki fried and a bowl of tempura udon.
yes,sometimes,i do have a big appetite..

As we both LOVE shopping,after eating,me and my mum decided to shop.
Then,after a few hours,we got a bunch of stuff,and happily went home.
haha,that's girls.shopping can make us happy.=p

Anyway,last night i had a chat with a friend of mine,mingg.
We were talking about the thing i wrote on my blog yesterday,about being unsatisfied and bein unhappy even when we have no problems in life.
"maybe there's just ain't enough love in our lives"mingg said.
ahahahahaha..it might be true,but no necessarily.
but then mingg and i ended talking about the signs when you're in love.
here it is.

signs when you're in LOVE:

-When you read the statement above,there is one person in your mind=)

-You smile to yourself whenever you're thinking abt him/her

-If someone tells you that he/she is behind you,without thinking,you'll quickly look back looking for him/her

-First thing in the morning,you'll look at your phone,hoping there's a mssge frm him/her saying good nite n stuff

-You'll change your outfits a billion times(esp for girls) when you wanna see him/ her,trying to look your best

-The green eyed monster(jealousy) will appear everytime you see her/him with another person with the opposite sex

-When you hear love songs,the first thing that'll pop into your mind is him/her

-You'll freak out if she/he got sick

-When you're sad,the first person you wanna talk to is usually her/him

-You hate in when people are checkin out on him/her

-You are happy whenever seeing him/her 

-You see sth different abt him/her from the rest of the world

-You will always wanna know more abt him/her and you don't want other people to know him/her better

-Your heart beats faster evrytm you talk to him/her.

-You'll blush and melt when your eyes meet with his'/hers

-You'll remember how he/she smells,and his/her laugh is recorded in your head

-It's really hard to go through a day without knowing how he/she is doin.

Well...are you in love?
If you r not,don't worry,the time will come.
but if you do,you know what to do..
have the courage to tell how you feel.
make em' happy.

Good luck,and spread sum love to the world

Sunday, September 7, 2008

lazy sunday

emmm..okayy..i'm really new at this kinda blog thing.my first time writing=)
my name is Valencia,call me valen for short.

It's 7 september 2008, 4.13 Pm.
still i have nothing to do.
it has been quite boring since i graduated hs.

Today is not like any other usual sunday.
I didn't go to church today(sorry dear God=p),since my mum isn't feeling well.
I woke up at abt 9.30am and watch some tv,ate breakfast,chat,and ate lots of chocolates..
OH MY.there's nothing to do and i kept eating all day,can't imagine what i will look like if i keep doing this every single day..

Have you ever feel that there's something missing in your life?
no matter what you do,life is not as fun as you want it to be.you have no problems,but still,you just don't feel happy.
Well,if you do,we're on the same page.

It's odd huh?people are just never satisfied.
one minute you feel that you wanna drop high school,and when you finished it,you feel like going back.when life gives you trouble, you feel like crying and running away,but when there is nothing to do,you'll try and look for trouble.

I really miss hs.
used to hate it though,
the rules,the teachers,the scolding,the tests,the HOMEWORK,
but the friends,they're just perfect=)
can't imagine what it would be, school without friends.it must suck so bad.
Some of my friends had already left jakarta. It's so sad, and yes,i do miss them.

I remember all the memories we had.
the laughter,tears,fun,and fights.

HAHA.the first thing that pops into my mind just now,was a friend of mine called novilen,i call her elen for short.
She is hilarious and sometimes,she's a bit extreme.:p

Last year we had this excursion.It was rafting and paintball.
I didn't go for the paintball but went for rafting.
There was the six of us on the boat.
elen,will,josephine,oce,me and ofcourse the ABANG=)
It was fun. and ticklish.
Then,there was this one time where we fall so deep,that oce fell backwards.
she landed on elen's feet.
Elen laughed so bad, all of us laughed too,but then we didn't laugh as much as elen did.turns out she peed in her pants!!hahahaha..
awhhh..i miss elen so bad.she's in sg right now..
just hoping that she'll go back soon.

Hmmmm....high school,the best time in life,at least that's what the elderly says.
Too bad I finished it.and in one month,i have to move to sydney for further studies.
gonna miss everythn n evryone here..

haha. there's nothing left for me to write.i'm done for the day
just a note to ppl out there who r still enjoyin bein a hs student
appreciate others,don't make enemies,make friends.
have fun,and go mad!!=p
